Monday, November 8, 2010

Challenge-Driven Learning- A great one from Global Knowledge

Challenge-Driven Learning: Our Approach to Instructional Design

Approach to Instructional DesignWe employ a unique approach to instructional design that both maximizes learning effectiveness and accelerates the development process. An adaptation of the ISD model, our approach begins with the clear definition of business challenges your organization faces as well as those that learners face in the work environment. From these challenges, scenarios are derived that give opportunities for learners to face each challenge as they world in the workplace.
Our approach is to provide a curriculum that is engaging, interactive, and relevant to the specific job tasks and responsibilities of each intended audience group. We'll create learning support devices, including explanations, demonstrations, examples, tools, war stories, and reference materials, that help learners work through each scenario.
Finally, we define a tailored learning environment to determine the optimal blend of instructor-led and self-paced delivery methods, the timing, and the measurement or tracking processes.
This approach results in learning experiences that facilitate active discovery and practice, are set in a realistic context, and are easy to recall and apply after training is complete.
We understand that the more relevant the training and information is to the learner, the more knowledge the learner will retain.
LayerKey Questions AddressedDeliverables
Business challenge
  • What is new or changing? What are the business goals behind this change?
  • What problems/difficulties will arise?
  • Whom is the change affecting?
  • Why will the individuals be motivated either to tackle or resist the challenge?
  • How will we determine success?
Requirements document:
  • Business, audience, context, and tasks analyses
  • Initial draft of learning solution (design blueprint)
  • Description of what the learner will experience
  • Design blueprint, including the following components: audiences, objectives, proposed topics, proposed sequencing
  • What new situations will learners encounter?
  • In what context will they encounter these new situations? What are typical scenarios that they will find themselves in?
  • What will they need to do in those situations? What will success look like?
  • What is difficult about doing the new tasks? What mistakes will they likely make and why?
  • How will learners' performance on these scenarios be measured?
Revised design blueprint with the following components added:
  • Scenarios
Learning support
  • What new concepts and skills will learners need to know to handle these new situations?
  • What tools, references, and people will learners need to perform effectively?
Revised design blueprint with the following components added:
  • Learning support topics
Learning Environment
  • How will scenarios and support elements be represented, structured, and sequenced?
  • What modalities will be needed to facilitate training and performance support?
  • How will learners access learning experiences and performance support in both the training and work environments?
  • How will performance be tracked?
Revised design blueprint with the following components added:
  • Instructional strategies and methods
  • Sequencing
  • Modalities
  • Durations
  • Templates, mock up, prototype
  • Storyboard